62010720 – E 100-6 A 24 L PS-forte / MOQ 10
62011640 – E 115-7 A 24 L PS-forte / MOQ 10
62012640 – E 125-7 A 24 L PS-forte / MOQ 10
62015640 – E 150-7 A 24 L PS-forte / MOQ 10
62017640 – E 178-7 A 24 L PS-forte / MOQ 10
62023640 – E 230-7 A 24 L PS-forte / MOQ 10
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A general purpose traditional grinding wheel designed for STEEL and Stainless Steel applications. Soft general-purpose tool of hardness L, with aggressive grinding performance and long tool life. A combination tool for steel and stainless steel that optimizes inventory management. Abrasive: Aluminium oxide A Manufactured without the addition of ferrous, chlorinated or sulphurous fillers.
Materials to be worked: Steel, stainless steel (INOX)
Applications: Surface grinding, work on weld seams, fillet weld grinding, grouting, chamfering, deburring
Recommendations for use: Suitable for use on angle grinders of all output categories Achieves particularly high stock removal rates even at low contact pressure