Opening hours: Mon – Fri  7:30am – 4:30pm

Elga Cromarod 309MOL Stainless Steel Electrodes 2.0, 2.5, 3.2, 4.0, 5.0mm

Item #




Cromarod 309MoL is a rutile flux coated electrode which deposits a 23% Cr / 12%Ni / 2.5%Mo austenitic stainless steel weld metal The high alloy content and ferrite level enable the weld metal to tolerate dilution from dissimilar and difficult-to-weld materials without hot cracking or brittle structures.

Classifications: AWS A5.4 / E309MoL-17 / EN 1600 / E 23 12 2 L R 32 / ISO 3581-A / E 23 12 2 L R 32


Cromarod 309MoL is a rutile flux coated electrode which deposits a 23% Cr / 12%Ni / 2.5%Mo austenitic stainless steel weld metal The high alloy content and ferrite level enable the weld metal to tolerate dilution from dissimilar and difficult-to-weld materials without hot cracking or brittle structures.

Classifications: AWS A5.4 / E309MoL-17 / EN 1600 / E 23 12 2 L R 32 / ISO 3581-A / E 23 12 2 L R 32

Cromarod 309MoL – Datasheet (

Elga Cromarod 309MoL Electrodes, Proweld Welding Products


Cromarod 309MoL is a rutile flux coated electrode which deposits a 23% Cr / 12%Ni / 2.5%Mo austenitic stainless steel weld metal The high alloy content and ferrite level enable the weld metal to tolerate dilution from dissimilar and difficult-to-weld materials without hot cracking or brittle structures.

Classifications: AWS A5.4 / E309MoL-17 / EN 1600 / E 23 12 2 L R 32 / ISO 3581-A / E 23 12 2 L R 32

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